Python.use(better, VDM++) #dinter -- distributed intersection

記事一覧 Python.use(better, VDM++)

dinter -- distributed intersection

第0版♪2000/04/03 ● 第1版♪2003/05/23 ● 第2版♪2006/10/01 ● 第3版♪2009/10/07

VDM++ に準拠する操作を実現することで、Python との相互理解を深めます。
※ Python1.5 で作成した例題を、Python3.1 で再構成しました。


■ 全項目を確認する

全ステップの「項目」を確認するには、関数 do を利用します。

$ python
>>> do()
0: step00 -- def VDM_set():
>>> help(dinter)
    dinter ss
        ; set of set of A -> set of A 
        ; Distributed intersection
        ;   the resulting set is the intersection of all the elements
        ;   (these are sets themselves) of, i.e. it contains the
        ;   elements that are in all the elements/sets of ss. ss must
        ;   be non-empty.
■ 各項目を実行する

各ステップの「動作」を確認するには、関数 do に実引数を指定します。

>>> do(@)
>>> # -------------------------------------------------- dinter
>>> s1 = VDM_set("AB"); s1
{'A', 'B'}
>>> s2 = VDM_set("CB"); s2
{'B', 'C'}
>>> s3 = VDM_set("BC"); s3
{'B', 'C'}
>>> s4 = VDM_set("BD"); s4
{'B', 'D'}
>>> ss = VDM_set([s1,s2,s3,s4]); ss
{{'A', 'B'}, {'B', 'C'}, {'B', 'D'}}
>>> dinter(ss)




Operator Name Type
e in set s1 Membership A ∗ set of A → bool
e not in set s1 Not membership A ∗ set of A → bool
s1 union s2 Union set of A ∗ set of A → set of A
s1 inter s2 Intersection set of A ∗ set of A → set of A
s1 \ s2 Difference set of A ∗ set of A → set of A
s1 subset s2 Subset set of A ∗ set of A → bool
s1 psubset s2 Proper subset set of A ∗ set of A → bool
s1 = s2 Equality set of A ∗ set of A → bool
s1 <> s2 Inequality set of A ∗ set of A → bool
card s1 Cardinality set of A → nat
dunion ss Distributed union set of set of A → set of A
dinter ss Distributed intersection set of set of A → set of A
power s1 Finite power set set of A → set of set of A
  • Note that the types A, set of A and set of set of A are only meant to illustrate



Last updated♪2009/10/26