
INDEX Python.use(better)



def vdm_quote(s):
    if type(s) is str:
        if s[0] == "_" and s[len(s)-1] == "_":
            return "<%s>"%s[1:len(s)-1]
    return s

# ==========
def forall(bind,expr):
    forall mbd1, mbd2, ..., mbdn & e
        ; Universal quantification
        ;   where each mbdi is a multiple bind pi in set s (or if it 
        ;   is a type bind pi : type), and e is a boolean expression 
        ;   involving the pattern identifiers of the mbdi's. It has
        ;   the value true if e is true when evaluated in the context
        ;   of every choice of bindings from mbd1, mbd2, ..., mbdn and
        ;   false otherwise.
    s = [expr(e) for e in bind.list]
    return False not in s and len(s) <> 0

# ==========
def exists(bind,expr):
    exists mbd1, mbd2, ..., mbdn & e 
        ; Existential quantification
        ;   where the mbdi's and the e are as for a universal
        ;   quantification. It has the value true if e is true when
        ;   evaluated in the context of at least one choice of
        ;   bindings from mbd1, mbd2, ..., mbdn, and false otherwise.
    s = [expr(e) for e in bind.list]
    return True in s

# ==========
def exists1(bind,expr):
    exists1 bd & e
        ; Unique existential quantification
        ;   where bd is either a set bind or a type bind and e is a
        ;   boolean expression involving the pattern identifiers of
        ;   bd. It has the value true if e is true when evaluated in
        ;   the context of exactly one choice of bindings, and false
        ;   otherwise. 
    s = [expr(e) for e in bind.list]
    return s.count(True) == 1

# ==========
def let_be_st(bind,expr):
    let b be st e1 in e2
        ; let-be-such-that expression
    return VDM_Set([e for e in bind.list if expr(e)])

# ==========
def let_be_such_that(bind,expr1,expr2):
    let b be st e1 in e2
        ; let-be-such-that expression
    for b in [e for e in bind.list if expr1(e)]:

# ==========
def iota(bind,expr):
    iota bd & e
        ; iota expression
        ;   where bd is either a set bind or a type bind, and e is
        ;   a boolean expression involving the pattern identifiers
        ;   of bd. The iota operator can only be used if a unique
        ;   value exists which matches the bind and makes the body
        ;   expression e yield true (i.e. exists1 bd & e must be
        ;   true). The semantics of the iota expression is such that
        ;   itreturns the unique value which satisfies the body
        ;   expression (e). 
    s = [e for e in bind.list if expr(e)]
    if len(s) == 1: return s[0]
    return None

# ==========
def card(s1):
    card s1
        ; set of A -> nat 
        ; Cardinality
        ;   yields the number of elements in s1.
    return len(s1.list)

# ==========
def dunion(ss):
    dunion ss
        ; set of set of A -> set of A
        ; Distributed union
        ;   the resulting set is the union of all the elements (these 
        ;   are sets themselves) of ss, i.e. it contains all the
        ;   elements of all the elements/sets of ss. 
    return VDM_Set(_dunion(ss))
def _dunion(ss):
    s = []
    for sets in ss.list:
        s = [e for e in s if not e in sets.list]
        s += sets.list[:]
    return s

# ==========
def dinter(ss):
    dinter ss
        ; set of set of A -> set of A 
        ; Distributed intersection
        ;   the resulting set is the intersection of all the elements
        ;   (these are sets themselves) of, i.e. it contains the
        ;   elements that are in all the elements/sets of ss. ss must
        ;   be non-empty.
    return VDM_Set(_dinter(ss))
def _dinter(ss):
    s = [e for e in ss.list[0]]
    for sets in ss.list[1:]:
        s = [e for e in s if e in sets.list]
    return s

# ==========
def power(s1):
    power s1
        ; set of A -> set of set of A
        ; Finite power set
        ;   yields the power set of s1, i.e. the set of all subsets of
        ;   s1.
    return VDM_Set([VDM_Set(e) for e in _power(s1)])
def _power(s1):
    s = s1.list
    return _power2([[]],s,len(s))
def _power2(acc,xlist,n):
    if n < 0: return []
    acc2 = []
    i = len(xlist)-n
    for e1 in acc:
        for e2 in xlist[i:]:
        i += 1
    return acc + _power2(acc2,xlist,n-1)

def vdm_quote(s):
    if type(s) is str:
        if len(s) == 1:
            return "'%s'"%s
            return '"%s"'%s
    return s

class VDM_Set:
    def __init__(self,enclosure=None):
        self.list = self._list(enclosure)
    def _list(self,enclosure):
        s = []
        if enclosure is None: return s
        s = [e for e in enclosure if not e in s] 
        return s
    def __str__(self):
        s = ""
        for e in self.list:
            s += "%s, "%(vdm_quote(e),)
        return "{%s}"%s[:len(s)-2]

# ==========
    def __contains__(s1,e):
        e in set s1
            ; A * set of A -> bool
            ; Membership
            ;   tests if e is a member of the set s1
        e not in set s1
            ; A * set of A -> bool
            ; Not membership
            ;   tests if e is not a member of the set s1
        return e in s1.list

# ==========
    def union(s1,s2):
        s1 union s2
            ; set of A * set of A -> set of A
            ; Union
            ;   yields the union of the sets s1 and s2, i.e. the
            ;   set containing all the elements of both s1 and
            ;   s2.
        return VDM_Set(s1._Union(s2))
    def _Union(s1,s2):
        s = [e for e in s1.list if not e in s2.list]
        s += s2.list[:]
        return s

# ==========
    def inter(s1,s2):
        s1 inter s2
            ; set of A * set of A -> set of A
            ; Intersection
            ;   yields the intersection of sets s1 and s2, i.e.
            ;   the set containing the elements that are in both
            ;   s1 and s2.
        return VDM_Set(s1._Intersection(s2))
    def _Intersection(s1,s2):
        s = [e for e in s1.list if e in s2.list]
        return s

# ==========
    def __sub__(s1,s2):
        s1 \ s2
            ; set of A * set of A -> set of A
            ; Difference
            ;   yields the set containing all the elements from
            ;   s1 that are not in s2. s2 need not be a subset
            ;   of s1. 
        return VDM_Set(s1._Difference(s2))
    def _Difference(s1,s2):
        s = [e for e in s1.list if not e in s2.list]
        return s

# ==========
    def subset(s1,s2):
        s1 subset s2
            ; set of A * set of A -> bool
            ; Subset
            ;   tests if s1 is a subset of s2, i.e. whether all
            ;   elements from s1 are also in s2. Notice that any set
            ;   is a subset of itself. 
        for e in s1.list:
            if not e in s2.list:
                return False
        return True

    def psubset(s1,s2):
        s1 psubset s2
            ; set of A * set of A -> bool
            ; Proper subset
            ;   tests if s1 is a proper subset of s2, i.e. it is a
            ;   subset and s2\s1 is non-empty.
        if not s1.subset(s2): return False
        s = s2 - s1
        return card(s) != 0
    # =========
    def __getitem__(self,index):
        return self.list[index]
    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.list)

    def __eq__(s1,s2):
        s1 = s2
            ; set of A * set of A -> bool
            ; Equality
        return s1.list == s2.list

    def __ne__(s1,s2):
        s1 <> s2
            ; set of A * set of A -> bool
            ; Inequality
        return not s1 == s2

##    def card(self):
##        return len(self.elements)

    # --
    def mdunion(self):
        s = self._mdunion(self.list)
        return VDM_Set(s)
    def _mdunion(self,sets):
        if len(sets) == 0: return []
        head = sets[0]; rest = sets[1:]
        if head.__class__ != VDM_Set:
            return [head] + self._mdunion(rest)
            return self._mdunion(head) + self._mdunion(rest)

# ----------
def distribute(sets):
    if len(sets) == 0: return []
    head = sets[0]; rest = sets[1:]
    if type(head) != list:
        return [head] + distribute(rest)
        return distribute(head) + distribute(rest)

# ==========
def min_set(s):
    min(s:set of nat) x:nat 
        pre s <> {} 
        post x in set s and 
            forall y in set s \ {x} & y < x
    assert _pre_min(s)
    x = min(s.list)
    assert _post_min(x,s)
    return x
def _pre_min(s):
    assert s <> VDM_Set(),(
        "::: pre min\n"+
        ":::     (>>%s<<) <> {}"
    return True
def _post_min(x,s):
    assert (x in s and
        forall(s - VDM_Set([x]),lambda y: x < y))
    return True

# ----------
from _pyRun_ import *

Last updated♪2010/03/11